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Online Application Form to Join YABC

Online Application Form for Equating of Diploma and Certificate of YABC

  1. Fill in all items in this form and append attachments, wherever possible.
  2. Include the non-refundable Application fee of 25,000/= and it is payable to the bank. The name of the bank is: Absa Bank Uganda Limited. Account number is 6004342257, Yesu Akwagala Bible College
  3. Attach a pdf/word document containing all copies of complete transcripts and certificates of all your previous academic work, plus softcopy of receipt of payment of the application fee.
  4. The pastor's recommendation questionnaire attached must be signed and mailed directly from your pastor. download here

Section 1: General Information

Name: (As you want it to appear on records)
Date of Birth:
Age at Present:
Present Address (Postal):
Phone Number(s):
E-mail address:
Marital Status
Select the applicable
Spouse's Name:
Children: No. of your own:
No. of those you care for:

Section 2: Occupation & Skills

What is your current form of employment?
Name of employer (For employed applicants):
What other skills do you know?

Section 3: Education Background

Tick each aspect of education you have finished and attach the academic testimonials of each level you indicate
Name and address of any Bible college or University or Institution of higher education attendend
Name of School:
Postal address
Telephone number(s):
E-mail address
Period (e.g. 2010-2014):
City and District:
Programme (Diploma/Certificate):
Credits Earned:
Last school attended in Uganda (Where applicable)
Date of leaving school:
Highest class attended:
Duration of
Primary education: From
Secondary education: From
Uganda Certificate of Education or equivalent examination
Year of examination:
Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education or equivalent examination
Year of examination:
Year of admission to college or university
Qualifications considered to merit admission
Duration of diploma course
Duration of certificate course
Grade of pass (where applicable)
Did you have to learn a foreign language before you were admitted for the course?
If yes, how long did it take you to learn the language?
If you were not admitted to university immediately after completing secondary education, state courses or employment you had prior to admission.
State the sponsor(s) of your scholarship
Did you at any time change your course without consulting your sponsor(s)?
If yes, state the reason

Section 4: Enclosures

Attach any certified copies of the following certificates provided in your academic document file (pdf/word)

Create one pdf/word document to contain all the ticked academic copies and attach it here

Section 5: Health Information

Do you have any health problems/complications?
If YES, what is it?
Are you on medication (if yes, please state the kind of medicine)?
Do you believe God for healing?
Have you taken any step of Faith for healing in your life?

Section 6: Spiritual Information

Home Church Name:
Home Church Address:
Pastor's Name:
Denominational Affiliation:

Age you accepted Christ:
Age you were baptized in water after believing:
Have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues?
How long have you attended the above church?
What have been your positions of responsibility in the church?
List the names and locations of any other churches you have been a member since you were saved.
What ministry do you feel God has called you to do in the future?
Do you agree to abide by all the school polices and rules?
Write an essay in your own words (not less than 800 words) explaining: 1)Describe your personal salvation experience, 2)Why you feel the need for formal training, 3)Why are you applying to Yesu Akwagala Bible College?

Section 7: References

Give the name, address and phone number (if applicable) of two personal references. They should be people of good standing in the community and they should know you personally. We will contact them for information about you. It is preferable to list people who have a phone as this speeds up your application process.
1. (a) Name:
(b) Position:
(c) Address:
(d) Phone number(s):
2. (a) Name:
(b) Position:
(c) Address:
(d) Phone number(s):
1. If everything in this application is true and correct, please sign and date it below. I understand that any misrepresentation may be cause for refusing admission. I hereby solemnly declare that all statements above are correct and all documents forwarded to Yesu Akwagala Bible College truly belong to me
2. For this application to be complete, the Pastor's Recommendation should be send to our email.